
Monday, May 4, 2015

Seattle Olympics 2076 - Hell on Earth, Part 1

Looking for a grand theme to hang your campaign on? One that has the feel of those great and terrible revelations from the 1st/2nd Edition days (you know, Universal Brotherhood, Threats, Atzlan blood magic, etc.,) but is up to date, current (2070-ish) and unknown to your players (as long as they aren't reading this!)? Then sit down, grab some soycaf, and prepare to challenge your players. Because the Seattle Olympics are coming to town, and Hell is coming with them.

While Hell is not the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks about the Olympics (bad mascots, rampant bribery, and rampant Jingoism are, however.) But there is something darker at the heart of the 2076 Olympics. Darker than bankrupting Third World countries in the name of social progress and a world stage. Darker than unknowingly taking transgenic drugs falsely prescribed as "vitamin supplements" in the belief they will gain you two-tenths of a second. Darker than "amateur" athletes being genetically modified and abused since they were 3-year-olds.We are talking about human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!

But let's start slow. Facility construction is where this all starts. Depending on what year it is in your game will dictate the amount of construction that is taking place. The OOC usually nominates the winning city 15 years ahead of time to allow time for planning and financing all that construction. And depending on who is your Governor (currently and officially that Arch-Conservative, arch-racist, Kenneth Brackhaven, CEO and COB of Brackhaven Investments) will dictate how much corruption, civil unrest and how dystopian this period goes. In a city like Seattle, there is not a lot of desirable land just sitting around to build stadiums on. So where is all going? Puyallup? Maybe for indoor sports, but all that ash and lava fall won't do it for outdoor endeavors. That leaves us with parts of Tacoma and Renton, Snohomish and the Barrens. Yes, the Barrens. Where else is a cold-hearted slitch like Kennie Brackhaven going to steal enough land to build on, all while skimming millions off the top? And you know that bastinge is doing just that, all behind a tightly woven web of shell companies. Heck, he probably decided to run for Governor to help with all that land he bought on the DL, and no one is the wiser. And no one votes in the Barrens. Heck they ain't even citizens! This will make the displacement of all those undesirables so much easier politically, and make the Razing of Chavez Ravine look like a cake walk.
Is that KSAF down on the right?
Or not. Depending on the GM's needs, those SINless hordes may go quietly to "temporary internment camps", or they may rise up and fight. It will start with simple unrest, become demonstrations against construction sites, and then riots when the displacement teams come to usher the soon-to-be homeless out. It can then grow to full-blown insurrection. Which was probably Kennie's evil plan all along. Buy the land through proxies using his company's money. Work with Uncle Karl (Kennie's Uncle Karl Brackhaven is the head of the Seattle branch of Humanis. See where this is going?) to promote a "Jobs for Seattleites" political campaign to get the Humans on board. Sell said land to Seattle, guided by his political muscle and title. Throw the SINless (and non-human) off that land and into concentration camps. When said less-than-humans fight back, use it to show how inhuman, uncivilized and dangerous they are, allowing Kennie to throw even more into concentration camps, all against the backdrop of "Saving the Olympics" from the barbarians. And skim lots of money from building permits, construction bids, and every other kind of dirty financial trick he can. Cause someone has to live rich and fund Humanis.
The Seattle Metroplex Guard escort former Barrens inhabitants to "Temporary Housing Facilities"

Whether this is all Battle of Chavez Ravine levels, Rodney King riots level, or Warsaw vs the Nazis level of all-out genocidal racial war, is all up to the GM and how bad/dystopian he wants it to be. And this can be very, very dark. Kicked out of your home, forced into a concentration camp, but taking the only job you can find, 16 hours-a-day of hard, physical construction work in the "company store" building structures you will never be allowed to see, let alone allowed to enter, sorts of dark. This can be "build the death camps you are sentenced to" kind of dark. And only the Crew stands between Brackhaven and the Seattle Olympic Holocaust. Can the Crew expose Kennie's web of lies? Can they break the silence and drag Kennie, Brackhaven Investments, and good old Uncle Karl into the gutter, where they belong? And do it while dodging ghoul hunting packs, angry street riots, volatile gangs, Humanis goon squads, Seattle Metroplex Guard peacekeepers/riot breakers, and Kennie's shadowy hit squads? Good luck, chummer, good luck.

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